What is this newsletter about?

by fostering a dialogue with our interior, and practicing our relationship to culture, community & place… we have a tremendous ability to move energy. we can encourage growth, lean into physical and emotional health, stay present through difficulties and pain, stay present through joy and pleasure, connect to others with more honesty, & deepen our capacity to show up for our community & our world…

this newsletter is a place i share understandings, learnings, rituals and practice notes. it is a mixture of thoughts on spirituality, energy work, decolonization and liberatory values in practice, emotional/inner-work, and creativity as a healing practice.

Who is Veils Veils Veils?

my name is Brooks Herr-Cardillo, i’m an educator and practitioner working at the intersection of spirituality and mental health.

much of my work has focused on grief related to living losses — particularly, how ritual acknowledgment can help us honor and experience change, limitation or endings. i am passionate about supporting others as they navigate ceremony and spirituality, and about interconnection as a guide for our bodies and hearts.

i consider healing work to be inseparable from justice and decolonization — the layers that are found in one, inevitably touch the other. spirituality has been my greatest partner in navigating the accountability and responsibility that is mine to hold in the world. and much of what I’ve learned about spirit, comes from teachers and peers in the tangible ‘how’ of decolonization, disability justice, and abolition. the core belief of my practice is that individual healing and collective healing are always intertwined (if it’s not both, then it’s not magic.)

i identify as white, Sicilian-American, queer, trans-nonbinary, neurodivergent, an artist, a middle child, a talker, a gemini. i was born and raised on the unceded territory of the Tohono O’odham Nation and Pascua Yaqui Tribe. I currently live on unceded land of the Mahican people, ancestral territory of the present day Stockbridge-Munsee Community.

Subscribe to Veils Veils Veils

A newsletter about my practice & studies in spiritual and emotional care work. The writing is spontaneous, creative, and intimate... a window into what I'm chewing on & upcoming classes, workshops, and sessions I'm hosting.
